This outrage stirred up the just indignation of the people. 他心里充满了愤慨;他义愤填膺。
In my ears something struggled, step by step, and finally came out, just like a long faint cry by a wounded wolf, howling in the wild late at night with indignation and sorrow mixed in its anguish. 耳朵中有什么挣扎着,久之,久之,终于挣扎出来了,隐约象是长嗥,象一匹受伤的狼,当深夜在旷野中嗥叫,惨伤里夹杂着愤怒和悲哀。
Are we just tools being used to assuage their discontent and indignation? 我们是否当权者用来安抚群众的棋子?
With Nietzsche the same antipathy to modern people just to meet the animal-like life, can not appreciate their own meaning of life is what the same indignation. 这与尼采同样反感于现代人仅仅满足于动物式的生活,而无法体会到自己生命的意义是什么的愤慨相同。